Blender Cycles: Chaining Bump Textures (new feature in 2.68 version)

Hi everybody. Today I'm going to show you a new feature appearing in next Blender 2.68: Chaining Bump Textures. Now the Bump node has a Normal vector input, appart from the previous Normal vector output. It works so:

As you can see this material has two bump textures. These bump textures can be chained using the new Normal input.

This is the result using only the blue frame or first bump pattern, it seems like a kind of damaged wall:

And this is the result using two bump textures, now like a terracotta material:

This is the bump pattern used in the first image (Noise2Pattern group node):

And this is the bump pattern chained to the previous in the second image (Noise7Pattern group node):

I hope you like it.



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