
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2013

Stucco Material II

Hi everybody. Today I'm going to show you another version of a stucco material for walls: Basically, the node setup of this material is very similar. The wall material is the same but I have changed the color of the wall. I have including another pattern to make the wall bumping more irregular and realistic. This is the node group with the pattern called Misc32 . It is the same that the one explained in my previous version of the stucco material. This is the new pattern, called Misc30 . It is similar to the Misc32 pattern. I have mixed both patterns using the darken method of the MixRGB node. This method only mix the colors if the second color is darker than the first color. As I'm darkening with a 0.5 factor, it means that the dark areas of my second pattern will flatten the bumping of my first pattern. If you make the material more irregular you can get a more realistic look. Finally I have used Object Coordinates for texturing. So this materia...

Blender Cycles OSL: Copper Material

Hi everybody. Today I'm going to show you a migration to OSL of my Copper Material : This is the Cycles version: As I did with my OSL Gold Material , I have migrated all the nodes information included in that material to the code, trying to minimize the overhead of the node system. This time the facing value is an input parameter in the script. So the OSL code is as follows: /* * Migrated from "http://elbrujodelatribu.blogspot.com/2013/07/cooper-material.html" * By: elbrujodelatribu */ shader node_metal_copper( color ForeColor = 0.8, color MiddleColor = 0.4, float Facing = 0.665, float ForeRoughness = 0.01, color BackColor = 0.1, float BackRoughness = 0.04, normal Normal = N, output closure color Metal = 0.0) { closure color ForeClosure = background(); closure color BackClosure = background(); // Facing colors - formula and code from Blender OSL code float aux = fabs(dot(I,(vector)Normal)); float...

Stucco Material

Hi everybody. Today I'm going to show you a stucco or plaster material: I have applied a bump pattern to a simple material. A painted wall normally has light facing reflections, so I have tried to set something similar to that. I had been thought to use this pattern for mixing colors in a granite material, but when I used for bumping, I have seen it works fine for stucco. It is as follows: Bye

Crushed Velvet Materials

Hi everybody. Today I'm going to show you a couple of crushed velvet materials. The first is my favourite one:  The fabric material has not any mysterious. It is a simple Velvet Shader . The displacement or bumping  is trickier. The base is a Noise Texture node, but I use a Wave Texture node to modify randomly its distortion. It is the same pattern that I used in my silk material . The second material is a more rough but I think it is interesting as well: Its node setup is similar to the material before. Apart from the bumping pattern I have included a Gamma node. Basically it produces a darker pattern, wich means that the bumping will be more flat. Remember that in displacement black color or cero value means the point is on the surface, and white color or one value means the point is above the surface. Now the displacement or bumping  is easier. It uses a distorted Wave Texture node. I hope you like them. Bye