Camouflage Material

This material is made with Blender and Cycles.

In this material the most important is the color pattern. This is my node setup for this kind of pattern using four colors:

I divide this material in three levels:
1.- Two main colors (green and beige). I use Noise Texture to blend them.
2.- Some big spots (brown). I use Noise Texture to blend it with the level before. Use a mapping node to ramdomize this spots, playing with location and rotation values.
3.- Some small spots (black). I use Musgrave Texture to blend it with the levels before.
In all cases I use color ramp nodes, with constant interpolation, joined to texture nodes, to create irregular spots without blending zones. You can play with their stops to increase/decrease the size of the spots.

Once you have your pattern you can included in some clothes configuration (this is by marcoG_ita): 

You can find other similar materials in blendswap (by @kaluura).

EDIT: Now you can also download my material in blendswap.

This and other materials also in Blenderartist.



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