jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Blender Cycles: Append / Link Material or Node Groups

Adding materials or node groups from a blender file is easy. You only need to do the following steps:

1) Go to "File" menu and select "Link" or "Append". Link will use the material/group from the file you select; append will create a copy of the material/group in the opened file.

2) Browse and select the file from which you can get the material / group

3)  Then you will see some directories. You can get nodes from three of them:
- Material: you will see all the materials including in the file.
- NodeTree: it contains all node groups of the file.
- World: you can link or append the world node setup from other file.
Select the directory you want.

4)  If you select "Material" directory, browse and select the material you want append or link to your file.

If you select "NodeTree" directory, browse and select the node group you want append or link to your file.

5) If you have appended a material, go to the object properties and select the material from the list. You can append world settings in a similar way.

If you have append a node group, go to "Node Editor" window, "Add" menu, and select "Group" and the name of the node group you want to add to your material.

I hope this mini tutorial will be useful.


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