Blender Cycles OSL: Voronoi Tiles Material
Hi everybody. This code is ported to OSL from a GLSL version. The material looks like this:
The OSL code is as follows:
And this is the node setup I have used in the image before:
You can change the tiles color and the scale in the script node.
The OSL code is as follows:
#include <stdosl.h> #define TILE_MAX_HEIGHT 0.12 #define TILE_MIN_HEIGHT 0.05 // GLSL function float fract(float x) { return (x - floor(x)); } // GLSL function vector fract(vector v) { return vector(v[0] - floor(v[0]),v[1] - floor(v[1]),v[2] - floor(v[2])); } float rand(vector co){ return fract(sin(dot(co ,vector(12.9898,78.233,0.0))) * 43758.5453); } vector random2f( vector seed ) { float rnd1 = mod(rand(seed), 1.0); float rnd2 = mod(rnd1*2.0,1.0); return vector(rnd1, rnd2, 0.0); } float hash(float n) { return fract(pow(sin(n), 1.1)*1e6); } float noise(vector x) { vector p = vector(x[0],x[1],x[1]); vector d = vector(1.0,30.0,30.0*30.0); vector f = fract(p), p0 = floor(p)*d, p1 = p0 + d; f[0] = f[0] * f[0] * (3.0 - 2.0 * f[0]); f[1] = f[1] * f[1] * (3.0 - 2.0 * f[1]); float t = mix(mix(mix(hash(p0[0]+p0[1]+p0[2]), hash(p1[0]+p0[1]+p0[2]),f[0]), mix(hash(p0[0]+p1[1]+p0[2]), hash(p1[0]+p1[1]+p0[2]),f[0]), f[1]), mix(mix(hash(p0[0]+p0[1]+p1[2]), hash(p1[0]+p0[1]+p1[2]),f[0]), mix(hash(p0[0]+p1[1]+p1[2]), hash(p1[0]+p1[1]+p1[2]),f[0]), f[1]), f[2]); return t * 2.0 - 1.0; } float tile_surface(vector p) { float f = 0.0; f += 0.3000*noise(p); p *= 1.22; f += 0.2500*noise(p); p *= 2.03; f += 0.1250*noise(p); p *= 3.01; f += 0.0625*noise(p); p *= 4.04; return f; } shader node_vornoi_tiles( float Scale = 1.0, vector Vector = P, color ColorTile1 = color(0.77,0.87,0.9), color ColorTile2 = color(0.9,0.9,0.9), output color Color = color(0.0), output color Height = color(0.0)) { color tile_color = color(0.0); float voronoi( vector x ) { vector p = floor( x ); vector f = fract( x ); vector res = vector(1.0); for( int j=-1; j<=1; j++ ) for( int i=-1; i<=1; i++ ) { vector b = vector( i, j , 0.0); vector r = vector( b ) + random2f( p + b ) * 0.7 - f; float d = length( r ); if ( d < res[0] ) { res = vector(d,res[0],res[1]); if (rand(p+b) < 0.5) tile_color = ColorTile1; else tile_color = ColorTile2; } else if (d < res[1]) { res[2] = res[1]; res[1] = d; } } //float h_noise = 0.15*tile_surface((x+dot(tile_color,tile_color))*5.5); float h_noise = 0.15*tile_surface((x+(tile_color[0]*tile_color[0]+tile_color[1]*tile_color[1]+tile_color[2]*tile_color[2]))*5.5); float h = res[1] - res[0] - 0.15*sqrt(h_noise); if (h < TILE_MIN_HEIGHT) { tile_color = color(0.12,0.11,0.09); return TILE_MIN_HEIGHT + sqrt(h_noise); } if (h >= TILE_MAX_HEIGHT) { return TILE_MAX_HEIGHT - h_noise ; } return h; } vector normal_voronoi(vector p) { float d = 0.001; float d2 = 0.02; // Smoothing parameter for normal vector dx = vector(d2, 0.0, voronoi(p + vector(d2, 0.0, 0.0))) - vector(-d, 0.0, voronoi(p + vector(-d, 0.0, 0.0))); vector dy = vector(0.0, d2, voronoi(p + vector(0.0, d2, 0.0))) - vector(0.0, -d, voronoi(p + vector(0.0, -d, 0.0))); return normalize(cross(dx,dy)); } // Shader starts here vector p = Scale * Vector; float color_voronoi = voronoi(p); float light_intensity = 0.5 / TILE_MAX_HEIGHT; vector light = normalize(vector(0.3,0.3,1.0)) * light_intensity; float shade = dot(light, normal_voronoi(p)) + 0.5; // Outputs Color = tile_color; Height = color(shade * color_voronoi); }
And this is the node setup I have used in the image before:
You can change the tiles color and the scale in the script node.